LEGO Star Wars Central Wiki

Clone Trooper Captains were Clone Troopers who commander companies of 144 Troopers.


Clone captain, also known as clone trooper captain, was a rank held by clone troopers in the Galactic Republic's Grand Army who commanded companies of 144 troopers. The sixteen captains of a regiment were in turn led by their respective clone commander, or in some cases, a Jedi General. Standard Phase I captains wore armor featuring four maroon circles on the left chestplate as well as a stripe of maroon down the length of each arm, vertically up the middle of the helmet and laterally around the visor. Rex was a respected clone captain who led Torrent Company of the famed 501st Legion. He often took orders directly from General Anakin Skywalker. In the final moments of the Clone Wars, several clone captains were ordered by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine to betray and kill their Jedi Generals.

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